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    Announcing The New MullenLowe Group

    Move Aligns Leading U.S. Agency and Global Creative Network with Common Cultures in Service of Clients Across World’s Most Dynamic Markets Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) announced today that Mullen and Lowe and Partners will join to form MullenLowe Group, a creatively-driven global agency network with a strong, shared entrepreneurial heritage and challenger mentality. MullenLowe Group…

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    Frisco Night

    Frisco v novém hávu, v nových barvách, s novou chutí. Přesně takovou, jakou si užijete nejlépe v klubu s partou kamarádek, které jsou stejně rozmařilé a poťouchlé, jako vy. Stejně rozmarný spot, který Friscu sluší jsme natočili u nás v Lowe. Užijte si ještě intenzivnější barvy noci.

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    Knorr Soup parlours

    Soup parlours – offering home-made soups, are a recent Czech trend, yet their popularity doesn’t drive the growth of packet soups. Czech people distrust packet soups and traditional communication doesn’t change this. We suspect the problem is just a prejudice. We tested this surmise in a blind test, making up a fictitious restaurant named Excellent…

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    Rama s máslem

    Rama launched a new flavor; we presented this in a TV spot which invites you to taste the perfect combination of butter and Rama.

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    Rama Nadýchaná

    Another innovation from Rama whose delicious taste can hardly be described. You have to taste it for yourself. And that’s what we challenged the consumers to do in our TV commercial.

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    Gambrinus Unpasteurized

    Carefully chosen bars and restaurants have the privilege of serving a literally live beer. Thanks to the first class ingredients and the unique method of filtering, Gambrinus unpasteurized is a truly LIVE beer. And that’s what we demonstrated in our TV spot.

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    Procházka case study

    For the Procházka Butchery retail chain, our designer has developed a brand new logo and the redesign of their stores. A massive positive impact on the entire retail chain followed shortly.

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    Sunlight launched a new variant, Sunlight Nature, which is made with real lemons,  green tea extract and mineral salt in order to address the modern females concerns with the health of her family and especially that of her children.

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    We go for Tchibo

    Lowe Prague has won the pitch announced by Tchibo Prague – we do all creative work for Non Food Tchibo, mainly BTL communication but also ATL (except TV and online). „We are very pleased, that we could immediately use our experiences from the retail segment, reached by long term cooperation with big clients in our past,“ said Martin Lochmann,…

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    Míša goes for fruits!

    Who says, that traditional tastes can’t be combined with something fresh and new? And if we talk about ice cream, “fresh” means always “good”.  We are very pleased, that we could work on new flavours of Míša ice creams with fruit. We brought new package designs and design of communication campaign including 3D animation TV…

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    Procházka new style

    It’s sometimes hard to find a good butcher in your neighbourhood, isn’t it? So, from now it isn’t. Procházka as our new client and part of Agrofert Holding has redesigned stores, a new logo and is much more visible than ever before. It’s a nice feeling, looking back and being proud for a job we…

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    Frisco – Colors of the night

    Imagine a party in Heaven. Minimalistic art, posh guys pretending to be having fun. There’s a way to get out of this. How to experience and enjoy all the colors of night? The answer is Frisco, with its delicious tastes arrives on the air with a new commercial…and spreads that Frisco feeling, which is DAMN…

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    Angry Birds fly in Albert

    Our new campaign for Ahold  follows the previous promotion based on the craze among collectors.  Now customers gain special 3D Angry Birds cards for their purchases. We made a TV spot that combines real people with an animated environment. It was a quite a challenge for us, however we believe the result will have the…

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    CEZ Group – Pitch Win

    Lowe Praha succeeded in a prestigious pitch for one of the biggest clients in the Czech market – CEZ Group, the biggest producer and distributor of electricity and gas. All the agencies on the market went through the battle and Lowe Praha ended up as the total winner –  No1 from all 21 participating agencies! We are looking…

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    JIHLAVANKA – Honest coffee in honest Czech “onion” porcelain

    Our first campaign for Jihlavanka coffee connects the honest coffee with the honest symbol of honest Czech craftsmanship – famous „onion” porcelain.  Jihlavanka customers are rewarded for collected points with beautiful original Czech porcelain decorated by „blue blood“. Reputation of these pieces is well known far beyond our borders and we hope the Czech customers…

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    Korean Air and ČSA celebrates

    It was an honour to organize such an event. At the Airport of Vaclav Havel over three hundred VIP guest and members of government met together. The President of The Czech Republic met with the Chairman of the Board of Korean Air, Jang Ho-čo.  Everybody enjoyed the performance of the Czech philharmonic and world- renowned…

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    Re-launch of Lipton Yellow Label Tea

    Lowe Prague prepared the OOH campaign for the re-launch of Lipton Yellow Label Tea in the Czech market, this included A3 posters in underground, standard billboards and 3D big boards. This campaign was also supported in TV with TVC 10´´ sponsorship message made by Lowe Prague based on the original TV spot.

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    Albert – Gogos are everywhere!

    After successful collection programs with Smurfs or Animals we are introducing a new promotional campaign based on  the Groovy edition of Gogos. We hope that you will enjoy collecting again.
